Online platform is the main results of the project. It is an innovative tool exploring the ways and methods on how to present the academic offer of the university to exchange candidates in an attractive and unique way. The functionalities of the platform have been designed in the basis of the analysis of the students’ requirements. They have been collected through the questionnaire answered by the students of the European universities, focus groups attended by 167 students and individual in-depth interviews with the university mobility coordinators.

Platform AIMED:

  • offers crucial information about the courses;
  • provides a database of resources helping mobility candidates in making a choice of a host university;
  • enables students to compare the offer of various higher education institutions in one place;
  • serves as a free of charge promotional tool of a wide reach for European Higher Education Institutions;
  • is a tool supporting the academic dimension of the Erasmus+ exchange.

If your university would like to join the AIMED platform, please fill in the form and we will set up an account for you.